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The Regional Crime Prevention Office of New Territories North (RCPO NTN) and Crime Headquarters of Border District (CRM BORDIST) invited over 30 representatives of the logistics sector to participate in a crime prevention seminar at BORDIST Headquarters on June 17. The seminar aimed to increase the awareness of the representatives from freight and logistics companies to prevent theft.

RCPO officers explained business security strategies and security products to the representatives so as to strengthen their ability to protect their companies. Officers of CRM BORDIST conducted case studies to enable the representatives to better understand the modus operandi of offenders and the crime trend. The sharing enriched the knowledge of the representatives to assist the Police in preventing and fighting crime.

The representatives were keen on sharing their opinions and experience. They said the seminar has enhanced the understanding and co-operation between the Police and the practitioners.

Officers advise the attendees to enhance the security of their companies
Officers advise the attendees to enhance the security of their companies