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Tai Po District (TPDIST) Commander Lee Kwok-chung and officers of the Police Community Relations Office led more than 20 teachers and students from secondary schools in Tai Po and the North District to Ma Hang Prison on May 7 in a bid to spread anti-drug and crime-fighting messages to the students. The activity, titled "Correctional Institution Experience", was the fourth module of the Anti-drug Fighter Elite Scheme held by TPDIST.

Following the first three modules on "Simulated Arrest of Offenders", "Legal Workshop" and "Mock Trial", the visit to Ma Hang Prison enabled the students to become aware of the detrimental consequences of committing crime and the high price one has to pay for. Officers of the Correctional Services Department explained to the students the life of inmates, and led the students to visit prison cells and other prison facilities, and arranged a sharing by some inmates with the students.

The inmates told the students that they succumbed to temptation by their peers to take drugs and go astray. This made the students understand the serious consequences of drug abuse. The students promised to share the anti-drug messages with their families and friends.

The students practise foot drill
The students practise foot drill