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The Police Public Relations Branch (PPRB) collaborated with the Hong Kong Alumni Association of the Southern Medical University to run the Senior Police Call (SPC) Anti-Deception and Healthy Campaign at the Police Sports and Recreation Club on June 9. Free Chinese medical consultation sessions and talks on the prevention of crime, drug abuse, technology crime as well as cyber security were offered for SPC members from Kowloon East and Kowloon West Regions.

Officiating at the event, Senior Superintendent (Community Relations) of PPRB Yu Hoi-kwan thanked Chairman of the Hong Kong Alumni Association Dr Woo Wing-cheung for leading a group of registered Chinese medicine practitioners to provide free consultation for SPC members. She encouraged the elderly to take good care of their health, exercise regularly and continue to assist the Police in spreading anti-deception and road safety messages.

During the event, one of the Chinese medicine practitioners, Dr Cheung Kit-nung, suggested some soup recipes for summer. A face-changing master gave a performance while singer Mr Wan Kwong entertained the audience with a road safety song. Yuen Long District SPC members also staged an anti-deception drama.

Other officiating guests of the event included Superintendent (Community Relations) of PPRB Wong Ping-ping; Dr Woo Wing-cheung; Chairman of SPC Central Activities Committee Dr Cheng Kam-chung; members of SPC Central Advisory Board Mr Suen Yat-hau, Mr Chan How-chi, Mr Ng Kai-yeung and Ms Woo Mei-hing and the respective District Commanders. Over 300 SPC members and SPC Honorary Presidents from Kowloon East and Kowloon West Regions attended the event.

The PPRB will hold another round of the SPC Anti-Deception and Healthy Campaign with other regions in the second half of 2019 to benefit more SPC members.

Honourable guests officiate at the event
Honourable guests officiate at the event
Ms Yu Hoi-kwan encourages SPC members to exercise regularly
Ms Yu Hoi-kwan encourages SPC members to exercise regularly
Registered Chinese medicine practitioners offer free consultation to SPC members
Registered Chinese medicine practitioners offer free consultation to SPC members
A face-changing master stages a performance
A face-changing master stages a performance