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Members of the public thank police officers for their devotion to work. Below are some of the appreciation letters received by the Force.


Dear Commissioner Lo,

My wife and I are writing to express our sincere and wholehearted appreciation for the work you and all the members of the Hong Kong Police Force are performing to uphold Hong Kong law and the proper functioning of Hong Kong society in these extraordinary times from June 2019. We are writing because we have no other way to express our thanks to you and the members of the Force.

I came to Hong Kong from Sydney, Australia in 1987 and have made Hong Kong my home. Hong Kong, in 2019 before the recent extradition troubles, was safer than Sydney in 1987 let alone now where murder is a weekly occurrence. Unfortunately, many people in Hong Kong do not appreciate the extraordinary level of personal safety they enjoyed prior to the recent violence nor do they appreciate how much more strongly police in many other countries would deal with the unprovoked and unacceptable acts of violence and wanton destruction that we have seen from some of the protesters.

We are amazed at the restraint and fairness of your Force and their braveness and determination to do their duty under totally unacceptable circumstances and provocation. We are very appreciative of the Force's professional and able performance under this extreme provocation and pressure.

We are shocked and saddened at how many people in the Hong Kong community are now blindly accusing the police for responding "violently", when the sole reason for the police having to respond with force is to counter the unacceptable and unprovoked violence of some of the protesters. This unfair and unfounded criticism has made an already difficult task so much harder.

Please know that there are many thinking people in the community that support the police and very much appreciate what you are all doing for the whole of Hong Kong, and in doing so putting yourselves at physical risk and under severe emotional and physical strain. We are proud of the Hong Kong Police Force.

With sincere respect and thanks,

An Australian residing in Hong Kong


May I begin by saying how our wonderful Hong Kong Police Force has been and you guys have done anything and everything possible in the light of the recent unrest and chaos. You guys have been more restraint and tolerant than any other police forces in the world.

I know you are all tired and frustrated, but please note that a majority of the Hong Kong public is 100% behind you! I just want to make sure that you do not lose heart. We support you guys regardless of what you choose to do next, as I am sure whatever that may be, it will be just.

I would like to give my best wishes and support to all frontline officers who are doing such a difficult and unenviable job in these trying times.

Good luck, guys, and I hope things will get better soon.


The Hong Kong Police is the finest police force in the world! A heartfelt thank you to all police officers for defending and safeguarding Hong Kong! It breaks my heart to see the unfair abuses, attacks, false accusations and humiliations you and some of your family members have to go through simply for upholding your duty and keeping law and order!

Please stay strong and united! You have the support and backing of many Hong Kong people. I pray each day for all police officers, especially the frontline officers, for God's protection, power and strength.


I would like to thank the Hong Kong Police Force for doing a difficult job under tremendously difficult circumstances in a truly professional manner. A lot of Hong Kong people appreciate and support your work.

We hope that Hong Kong remains a safe city. We wish you and your family all the best. Take care.


We strongly support police officers in Hong Kong. We are sorry for what you have to go through. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all the time. Please stay strong in this difficult time. You are our heroes.


This is a difficult and testing time for the Hong Kong Police Force. You have been doing an excellent job. Hong Kong owes you all a BIG THANK YOU! We are truly proud of you.


I want to express my support to the Hong Kong Police Force. You must be under a lot of pressure and please look out for your own safety.

Many people appreciate you guys for the courage you have shown when facing violence. Thank you for your bravery in face of danger and violence.

Good luck and remember that many people in Hong Kong support you.


My family is grateful for what police officers have done to safeguard the security of Hong Kong. We are deeply sorry and sad to see what you have endured. We and many people in Hong Kong are backing the Hong Kong Police Force to uphold law and order in Hong Kong.

Thank you and wish you well and safe.


As an ordinary citizen in Hong Kong, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all police officers for protecting us and safeguarding Hong Kong! Your dedication and hard work is very much appreciated by most of the Hong Kong people. Don't forget that most of us are behind you!
