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The Traffic Department of the Public Security Police Force of Macao sent five Escort Team officers, together with 28 members of the Force Escort Group (FEG), to attend the Police First Responder First Aid Course organsied by FEG from June 6 to 7. Honorary Medical Advisors of the Police College Dr Chan Tak-shing, Dr Chow Yuk-yin and their medical team lectured on knowledge and skills for first aid, wound dressing and cardiopulmonary resuscitation for different types of trauma. The attendees had to provide initial treatment to the injured and handle the situation in a simulated traffic accident.

Officer Commanding of FEG Chik Ming-yam and representative of the Macao Escort Team Subcomissário Lei Hou-ieong presented souvenirs to Dr Chan, Dr Chow and their team, thanking them for their professional lectures and demonstrations.

Medical team members demonstrate the techniques in first aid.
Medical team members demonstrate the techniques in first aid.