
Mount (Mt.) Everest, known as the world’s highest peak with its altitude of 8 848m, is the goal of countless climbers who are eager to reach the top. Former Chief Superintendent Larry, who is 58 years old and retired from the Force two years ago, successfully summited Mt. Everest in May this year, becoming the 15th person having completed this challenge in Hong Kong on record. The idea of climbing Mt. Everest had been in his mind for 30 years. “Being fascinated by the vast snowy scenery of the mountains on my travel to Nepal in 1994, I started dreaming of reaching the top.”

Larry joined the Force in 1992. The source of his courage to brave Mt. Everest can be traced from the Formations in which Larry had been stationed over the past three decades, including the Special Duties Unit, VIP Protection Unit, Counter Terrorism Response Unit and Police Tactical Unit (PTU), of which he was the Commandant before his retirement. Being posted in these Formations not only tempered his body strength but also cultivated a calm and decisive mind.

Since 2018, Larry had been preparing for the Mt. Everest challenge step by step for six years, such as learning to climb in the snow and climbing different mountains overseas to understand his body’s adaptability to high-altitude environments. “In the preparation process, I have experienced dangerous situations such as avalanches and witnessed other climbers being swept away and killed. The insignificance of human beings in nature touched me deeply.”

However, these obstacles did not hinder Larry’s ambition. He went to Nepal this April. Led by a Sherpa guide, he embarked on a journey to the peak, which was full of twists and turns. “When we reached an altitude of more than 7 600m, I was hit by extreme discomfort, dizziness and limbs discoordination. The fear of death arouse. I needed extra oxygen to reach the camp. Luckily the discomfort subsided after a day of rest. With the support of willpower, I continued to go forward.”

Larry was in another peril right before reaching the summit: the plug of his oxygen bottle suddenly leaked and all backup plugs were used up. Fortunately, his guide got an extra plug from a mountaineer going downhill earlier, thus averting the danger.

In the early morning of May 21, Larry finally summited Mt. Everest. Having fulfilled his long-cherished wish after 30 years, tears welled up in his eyes. He brought along a specially-sewed banner formed by the national flag, regional flag, police flag and the flag of his volunteer team. These four driving forces accompanied Larry throughout the entire journey.

Larry is grateful to the Force for training him over the past decades, especially stationing him in specialised units to lay a good foundation for him mentally and physically. Climbing rugged mountains is very much like handling policing duties. “As a police officer, you must brave hardship and devote yourself to the commitment. When performing tasks, we should always think one more step forward and formulate multiple backup plans.” Despite thorough arrangements before an action, many unexpected difficulties will emerge during implementation. Larry encourages his colleagues that as long as they have an unyielding will and face challenges positively, they will overcome them.

(Please visit the online social media platforms of the Force for more photos.)

Retired Chief Superintendent Larry successfully summits Mt. Everest this May.
Retired Chief Superintendent Larry successfully summits Mt. Everest this May.
Larry (third right) overcomes altitude sickness and summits Mt. Everest with strong determination.
Larry (third right) overcomes altitude sickness and summits Mt. Everest with strong determination.

Members of OffBeat Editorial Committee:

Mr Leung Chung-man CSP PR (Chairperson)
Ms Jan Wong SSP MLS PR
Ms Christine Choi PIO PP PR
Ms Jay Tam CIP MR PR
Mr Siu Chi-ming ATSRO HKI
Mr Raymond Lee TSRO KE
Mr Tommy Lai TSRO KW
Ms Grace Mak TSRO NTS
Mr Eddy Kan AA ADM MAR
Mr Clement Chan CIP A&S HKPC
Ms Suzanne Lo SIP HQ (2) CRM
Mr Hui Yee-on JPOA REP
Ms Yvonne Wu EO CSR A


Editor: Ms Wong Ka-wai: 2860-6171
Reporters: Ms Fan Wing-yan: 2860-6172
Dr Peter Chung: 2860-6131
Photographers: Mr Hugo Lam: 2860-6174
Mr Rex Ip: 2860-6175
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Address: 10/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters,
No.1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Website: www.police.gov.hk
Email: sio-offbeat-pr@police.gov.hk
Deadline for Issue 1260: June 27, 2024 (before 6pm)
Deadline for Issue 1261: July 11, 2024 (before 6pm)

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Published by Public Relations Wing, Hong Kong Police Force