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The Executive Committee Chairman of the Community Chest of Hong Kong Dr Kwok Siu-ming inspected the passing-out parade for 21 probationary inspectors and 157 recruit police constables at the Police College on June 22.

As Dr Kwok mentioned in his speech that Hong Kong, as an international financial centre and free trade port, is one of the safest and most stable cities in the world. Its success is attributable to its robust legal system and an efficient and professional Force. He also described the Force as the pillar for maintaining public safety, playing a key role in law enforcement and crime fighting.

He added that Hong Kong was fortunate to have the Force to stand at the forefront to maintain social order and safeguard the life and property of citizens during the riot in 2019. He thanked the Force for its selfless efforts in restoring Hong Kong to normality and stability swiftly, thus achieving a major transition from chaos to order and embarking on a new era of advancing from stability to prosperity.

Dr Kwok recognises that the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance, which has come into effect since March this year, plays an irreplaceable role in maintaining the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. He addes that it also contributes to the steadfast implementation of “one country, two systems” by providing solid legal protection for both Hong Kong citizens and international investors and ensuring long-term stability of the society. Noting that social stability is crucial to creating a favourable business environment, he strongly supports the implementation of the Ordinance. He believes that the citizens and enterprises cannot have a stable environment to live and operate businesses, and the economy cannot achieve sustainable growth without the Force’s high quality and professionalism.

While appreciating the Force’s effort in supporting the underprivileged, which is in line with the mission of the Hong Kong Community Chest, Dr Kwok points out that the Force has all along been serving the community with a people-oriented spirit and dedicated to building a caring society through organising various charitable fund-raising activities and volunteer work, thus fostering a culture of giving and making contribution to the society.

Finally, he told the graduates that the Police College not only trained up their physical fitness and taught them legal knowledge, but more importantly, also cultivated in them self-discipline and integrity. He encouraged them to make good use of their knowledge, skills and values learned during their training to face future challenges and opportunities. He also reminded graduates to uphold their belief and original aspiration in times of difficulty and pressure, move forward bravely and strive to achieve their goals.

21 probationary inspectors and 157 recruit police constables participate in the passing-out parade.
21 probationary inspectors and 157 recruit police constables participate in the passing-out parade.
Dr Kwok (third right) congratulates the probationary inspectors.
Dr Kwok (third right) congratulates the probationary inspectors.
A graduate shares the joy of passing out with his family members.
A graduate shares the joy of passing out with his family members.