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The Critical Infrastructure Security Coordination Centre (CISCC) organised the second Critical Infrastructure Protection Course in May, participated by 24 managerial grade officers. In addition to officers from the Immigration Department, Correctional Services Department, Customs and Excise Department and the Force, officers from the Macao Judiciary Police and Public Security Police also joined the course for the first time.

The four-day foundation course aimed to enhance the awareness of law enforcement agencies and counter-terrorism (CT) units in critical infrastructure protection. The contents included CT situations and strategies, security principles and measures, security of the supply chain, systems and cyber world, as well as experience sharing on security for infrastructure.

On top of speakers from the Security Bureau, the Force’s Security Wing, Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau, Crime Prevention Bureau, Key Points and Search Division and CISCC, the Director of the Aviation Security Training Centre of Hong Kong International Aviation Academy Mr William Yeung provided his insight and analysis on aviation safety and risk.

CISCC’s brand new Immersive Cube of Experience was used for the first time in the course. The walkthrough VR training enabled officers to feel like being situated in different infrastructures and landmarks around the world for conducting simulated risk assessments and providing security recommendations. This can reinforce the learning experience of course attendees.

Director of the Aviation Security Training Centre of Hong Kong International Aviation Academy Mr William Yeung analyses aviation safety.
Director of the Aviation Security Training Centre of Hong Kong International Aviation Academy Mr William Yeung analyses aviation safety.