¡@¡@Regarding the recent
accident in the PSRC pool in which a retired police officer drowned may
I offer my condolences to the family and propose the following.
¡@I believe the standard of the pool facilities at the Police Sports and
Recreation Club are satisfactory and that lifeguards on duty there are
adequate to ensure the safety of swimmers. However, the swimmers
themselves must pay attention to and obey pool rules - and that includes
not indiscriminately diving into the water from the edge of the pool.
¡@When lifeguards see swimmers diving carelessly or disobeying the
rules, they should immediately warn them to stop.
An Interpreter
¡@¡@I refer to the letter from
a reader who expressed his concerns about the death of a retired sergeant at
the PSRC swimming pool on 22 July 97. Once again I would like to take this
opportunity to offer our deepest condolences to members of the retired
officer's family.
¡@It is believed that at the time the retired sergeant suffered a stroke and
experienced difficulty in the swimming pool. He was instantly spotted by
other swimmers and the lifeguards on duty. Despite artificial resuscitation
performed on him by the lifeguards, they were unable to save his life. The
club management takes a serious view on the safety of the club facilities, in
particular the swimming pool. Indiscriminate and dangerous diving into the
pool are prohibited.
¡@In addition, because of a few instances of drowning in other swimming
pools this summer, we regularly brief our lifeguards (who are supervised) to
be alert to PSRC swimmers while on duty.
Mrs Hanny Yeung
GEORGE James Batts, holder of
the Colonial Police Medal for meritorious service to the Government of Hong Kong
and the Hong Kong Police Force from which he retired in the rank of senior
superintendent in 1976, passed away peacefully on 22 August 1997 at the Royal
Sussex County Hospital, Brighton. He was 68 years old.
¡@While playing lawn bowls Jim suddenly collapsed from a mild stroke and
died later of a massive coronary. This came as a complete shock to all who knew
him, particularly to his wife Pat and their children. There was no prior indication
nor warning. To all intents and purposes Jim was healthy, full of life and enjoying
retirement. He was in fact doing what he enjoyed before he collapsed.
¡@Mr Batts joined the Hong Kong Police in 1952 as a probationary sub-inspector
and during the course of a distinguished career was promoted to senior inspector
in 1961 and, a year later, to assistant superintendent. In 1965 he advanced in rank to
superintendent and became a senior superintendent in 1973.
¡@Jim's career in the Force was wide and varied. He served in three territorial
police districts, the CID, Special Branch and in various staff appointments. When
he retired, Senior Superintendent Batts was in charge of Administration for Hong
Kong Island.
¡@He distinguished himself during his tenure of office in the Statistical Branch
of the Criminal Investigation Department and again while divisional detective
inspector in Marine.
¡@Jim's valuable service to the Force was recognised by his receipt of two
Commissioner's Commendations and, in the 1974 New Year Honours List, by the
Colonial Police Medal for Meritorious Service. In 1971 he was awarded the Colonial
Police Long Service Medal.
¡@Throughout his service, Mr Batts played an active part in Force recreational
and social life. According to those who knew him, he was a great raconteur and a
teller of tales - his jokes weren't bad either. Jim was always good company.
¡@When he retired, Mr Batts joined the Royal Hong Kong Police Association
in the UK and became an active member. Concerned about memorabilia of the
history of the R H K P Force since 1841 left behind in Regional and District
messes and in police stations around Hong Kong, Jim was determined to gather
together what he could. An exhibition of the like set up by Mr Batts during the 1996
Royal Hong Kong Police Association spring reunion in Bournemouth was
greatly received by all who attended.
¡@Said his wife during cremation service eulogies: "Jim will be sorely missed.
He enjoyed life to the full, had a wonderful sense of humour and could appreciate
a good joke - even at his own expense. I will remember him as a hard-working,
loyal and dedicated police officer and friend with a strong personality and character
who served the Royal Hong Kong Police Force to the best of his ability for 24 years.Ó
¡@¡@I write this letter to thank
staff members of the Kowloon West Regional Welfare Office for the kind
assistance given to me.
¡@Last May I felt sick and entered the Kwong Wah Hospital for a physical
examination. Test results revealed that an operation was necessary.
¡@After medical treatment and continuing follow-up therapy my situation
is now stable. During my period in the hospital, Sergeant Yim Kwok-wing
and Police Constable Li Tat-chi of the Kowloon West Regional Welfare Office
visited me at which time they provided useful information on medical and
welfare benefits that are available to me while on sick leave, for which I am
very thankful.
¡@As well, after the operation and subsequent therapy I became very weak
and required specialised care at which time I asked the KW Regional Welfare
Office to assist me in exchanging quarters to better facilitate nursing care. My
request was supported and realised with the help of Police Welfare Officer
Kowloon West, Kwan Tat-kam and WSIP Li Siu-mi.
¡@My wife and I express our sincere thanks for the help, encouragement
and support from Mr Kwan, WSIP Li, Sergeant Yim, PC Li and other colleagues.
¡@ | OFFICERS in Strathclyde are pulling people over for a chat about road safety - literally. Instead of "Police Check Point" signs, drivers are now seeing "Police Chat Point" signs. Officers wave drivers into the chat point for a friendly test on the highway code and are are given road safety leaflets to study if they fail. |
![]() Sign of the times |