Four in a row for sedan chair dream team
The time: Saturday 27 september, 1030 hrs.
The place: The Matilda Hospital on The Peak
The Event: The annual Matilda Charities Sedan Chair Race.
¡@And so the scene was set for the
10-member team from PTU HQ to challenge all comers for top honours in one of Hong Kong's most
arduous - and feared - races.
¡@As the sun broke through a thick morning haze the standard bearers of the Force stood poised
to take on all challengers in defence of the Matilda Crown which they have coveted for the last three years.
¡@The sound of the starting horn marked the beginning of the 23rd Matilda sedan Chair Race
which saw the Police team grind their way around the gruelling 3.2km course, destroying all in their
path in an awesome display of strength, endurance and willpower. Just another day at the beach for
the men form PTU HQ.
¡@After the race a spokesperson for the triumphant Police team said he was delighted wity the
performance(which made it four wins in a row) but refrained from divulging the secret of their
success-classified information. Tribute, however, was paid to top ladies' runner Chan Shui-yee, an
integral part of the set up who once again was more than happy to sit in the hot seat and take the
roller coaster ride on the day.
¡@Other members of the race busting syndicate were Lai "Iron Man" Jai, Calvin Klein, Top Gun
Cheong, Leung "Speed" Yat, Andy "Many Bellies" Naylor, Go "Faster" Lo,Wacko Jacko Jackson,
The Bird and, last but not least, Chak What Why.
¡@Much more than an exciting sporting day, the race marks one of the most important fund
raising events on the Hong Kong calendar. As such the Force team is endeavouring to raise as much
money ad possible for all the very worthy causes that the Matilda Charities Fund supports. As such,
an donations will be gladly accepted and should be sent to: P D Jackson, PTU HQ(SDU), Fanling ,NT;
telephone: 2669-6283.
¡@Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to The Matilda Hospital Charities Fung.
¡@Finally, the team would like to thank all Force members who supported them on the day, and all
those who dug deep to come up with a charitable donation.
Calling all cricket players

| THE Police Cricket
Club was founded in 1903, and a police crcket team joined the new official Cricket League for the
1904/5 sesason. The Police Cricket Club's first home was the Police Recreation Blub in Happy
Valley. The ground itself was probably one of the smallest anywhere in the world to be used for
league cricket. The main "feature" was the nullah running along the northem boundary over which
the club-house was built. Pre-war players had to cross a small bridge from the clubhouse over
the nullah.
¡@In the winter the nullah became a bed of mud, and balls ending up in it were recovered using
a small wire basket on the end of a pole and then thoroughly cleaned and de-slimed before being
returned to the field for paly.
¡@The Police Cricket Club, known during this period as the Police Recreation Club (PRC), secured
their only pre-war championship win in the 1939-40 season when they took the second division title
after which most of the triumphant team spent their war years in Stanley Prison.
¡@The forte of the police team during the 70s and 80s was the Rothmans Cup. They were victorious
on four occasions, in 72/73,74/75,78/79 and 88/89, as wll as being runners-up four other times.
¡@With the gradual decline of expatriate officers in the Force, it became increasingly difficult to field
two full Saturday teams, and for the 95/96 season it was decided to amalgamate both teams.
¡@Over the last two seasons it has continued to be difficult to field 11 players every week. That a
Police Cricket Team might not play in any Hong Kong league in future seasons (the first time this will
have happened in 93 years of Hong Kong cricket) is a possibility that Police Cricket Club stalwarts
understandably dread. Any officers interested in playing for the Hong Kong Police Cricket Club can give
Clive Walton a call at: 2746-3454.

Discover Mai Po is a unique weekend outing event unlike any other fund raising programme
in Hong Kong. It provides an opportunity for local people to see Hong Kong's leading nature
reserve while raising money for the WWF-World Wide Fund For Nature Hong Kong . The charity
walk will be held on Sunday 30 November and all are invited to partcipate or sponser those walking .
Last year 106 police officers and their families took part in the walk and raised $37,000. This year's
route features environmental exhibitions and an educational "Treasure Hunt" competition along the
way in which participants can win a variety of prizes, There will also be competitions for "Most
Funds Raised" by a company/corporation and an individual. The walk is about 6km on flat ground
in the Mai Po Marshes. Groups of 100 people will set off every hour. It takes about two to three houes
to complete the walk. To participate in the walk each individual has to raise sponsordhip of $400 or
above; while each family (two adults and two childeren under 18) has to raise $1,200. Cheques are to
made payble to the "World Wide Fund for Nature Hong Kong ". The deadline for registration with S &
R Division is 24 October. For more information call SIP Kenny Yeung: 2804-1126; or IP JimWalker:
2804-1139 of Sport & Recreation.
Will take place at the PSRC Bowling Centre from 3 to 19 November. Open to all serving officers
including regulars, auxiliaries, traffic wardens and civilian staff who are members of the Police Tenpin
Bowling club. Bowlers who intend to participate in this competition can call the competition secretary
of the club : 7638-3836. While registration forms can be faxed to club secretary SIP Chan Chi-wai:
Will be held on 12 December (Friday). Beginning at Pat Tam Chung Country Park, Sai Kung, the
17km race will proceed along Hoi Ha Vin Pak Tam Road and Hoi Ha Road then return along the same
route. For more details watch this space.
The first Lantau Race will be held on the island on 4 December (Thurday). The course is from
Shel Pik Reservoir to Tai O by way of Fan Lau, and is approximately 14.5km. It is anticipated that
most runners will complete the course in a time between 90 minutes and two-and-a-half hours. This is
a long and challenging course and should only be attempted by competitors who maintain a reasonable
degree of physical fitness. Officers who are intersted in the race should register with their DSRO/RSRO
not later than 1 November. Enquiries: Chris Bilham :2640-5441, or 5449.
Will be held from 27 to 30 October in Shantou, Guangdong. Sporting events will include
badminton, basketball, table tennis, volleyball and shooting.
The Force Table Tennis Club is running technique improvement courses from 5pm to 7pm on
Mondays and Fridays from 1 September to 17 October at the PSRC. Cost: $50. All regular and auxy
police officers, as well as civilian staff are welcome. Call Mr Lee of the PSRC: 2319-0009.
Top guns of the Force are welcome to participate in this year's Annual Force Shooting Competition
between 1 September and 31 October. Organised by the Weapons Training Division, this is a major
Force sporting event open to all serving officers qualified to carry arms. Participants will compete for
eight trophies. Four of them are team trophies, namely the Sir Robert Black Trophy, DCP OPS's Trophy,
Thorpe Trophy and DPT's Trophy. The four individual trophies are: Commissioner's Cup, DCI's Cup,
Lomas Cup and DMS's Cup. The semi-finals will take place at Arsenal House Range on 17 October.
The finals will be held at PTU HQ on 31 October. Enquiries to the Firearms Instructors Supervisor D T
Stanfield: 2860-3425.
Will be held on 18 October between 2pm and 6pm at the grass pitch inside the Police Sports &
Recreation Club, Sai Yueng Choi Street, Mongkok. Organised to promote a healthy lifestyle among
police officers and their family members, the Sports/Games Day also features simple tests to measure
endurance and aerobic fitness levels that are also suitable for children. Enquiries: 2860-3404.
Chairmen of all police clubs, as well as formation commanders are reminded to submit nominations
for the Purdon Shield, the Watson Cup and the Force Colours Award for Sports covering the period
from 1 September 96 to 31 August 97-which will then be considered during the November 1997 Police
Sports Council Meeting. Forward nominations to CSP PS (Attn: SP S&R PS) before 1 November 97.
Enquiries: 2804-1122.
The first orienteering event of the 97/98 season, the 5th Annual Paddy Birney Memorial Long
Distance Pairs Event, will take place on Thursday 9 October in the Ma On Shan area. Theis is the first
of three events the Police Orienteering Club will organise during the season. Queries: Richard
Morgan(2860-3667)or William Chan Hung-him (2860-2523).