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Poster cat Garfield questioned


I note with a tad of interest the new poster designed for the Complaints Prevention Committee asking for comments about the complaints system and suggestions to prevent complaints.
All very worthwhile but I believe the CPC may well attract a very serious complaint itself from whoever has the copyright to the cartoon character "Garfield" who is used prominently in the poster.
And should we be using a fat, lazy feline as a shinning example for a professional Force, or is the CPC suggesting something? I think we should be told.

Yours faithfully

REPLY . . .


I would like to thank your reader for the comments regarding the use of "Garfield" in the recent CPC poster.
Prior consent was obtained from the authorised agent to use "Garfield" in our poster.
Your letter brought to the CPC's attention the notion that perhaps more effort should have gone into exploring the use of alternative images that, while eye-catching, reflect more appropriately the image of the Force. This issue will be examined in greater detail at the CPC meeting in early June 1998.
May I add, however, that the use of "Garfield" in the poster, being a marketing and publicity tool, has aroused the attention of our colleagues who have come up with views to prevent/reduce complaints.

Yours sincerely
Ip Lau-chuen
Complaints Prevention Committee


The following letter was sent to Deputy Commissioner of Police (Operations) Wong Tsan-kwong


WE would like to express our gratitude to your staff of the Support Bureau who co-ordinated with the Police Band and District Formations in providing support and assistance to the Service Funeral arranged for the late Mr Wong Ying-choi, Acting Senior Customs Officer, on 24 April 1998.
Please accept our gratitude and convey our appreciation to all those involved.

Yours sincerely
Raymond Li
for Commissioner of Customs and Excise

Proud of the Hong Kong SAR Police Force


While my sons were here during their Easter Holiday on 15 April, I took them to Mongkok Market.
My younger son, Pariwesh, got lost in the thick crowds and although we tried our best to find him we couldn't.
My son speaks no Cantonese, knows very little English and is unfamiliar with Hong Kong. We felt frightened and helpless to find him.
We then went to the Mongkok Police Station and reported him missing. The police took this matter very seriously and were helpful beyond what I would have ever imagined.
Because of their efficiency, incredible professionalism and hard work, we managed to find my son.
We would like to express our gratitude and pay our sincere thanks to all those police officers who helped and engaged in the search.
We are very proud to say that the HKSAR Police Force is our police force and that its personnel are of the highest calibre. The incident also made us realise that largely due to our police we feel very secure living in the HKSAR.

Yours sincerely
Krishna B Chhertri


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