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(, phone, fax or write a letter to Editor OFFBEAT and say it. We're here for you.
NOTE: OFFBEAT will not publish feedback sent
anonymously. However, we will withhold names and addresses on request.
Reflections on Goretex
I would like to make a few comments
on the Goretex jackets issued to general UB police drivers.
The first concern of UB police drivers is that because of its length, wearing a UB
Goretex jacket can restrict movement when they are seated to drive.
Secondly, the UB Goretex jackets - unlike the Goretex jackets issued to traffic police
- do not have reflective material the absence of which can pose a danger to police drivers who
may be required to alight from their vehicles to handle traffic accidents should they occur
(particularly at night) during the course of duty.
It would therefore be safer for UB police drivers to be issued with Traffic Goretex
Yours faithfully
SPC Mak Kim-ming
Sau Mau-ping
REPLY . . .
I hope this reply addresses the officer's
Two styles of Goretex jackets were designed with the different job natures and working
environments of general UB and traffic officers in mind.
Because general UB police drivers are also called upon to perform general UB duties,
they are issued with UB Goretex jackets.
Although police drivers, like other UB officers, may be required to handle traffic
accidents, compared to traffic officers this takes up a very small proportion of their work, and
we issue Goretex jackets to officers according to their primary job nature.
When general UB officers are handling a traffic accident, they should assess the
dangerousness of the road situation and take appropriate actions - including summoning traffic
officers to the scene.
In regard to the length of the coat, both sides of the UB Goretex jacket are attached
with buttons. Police drivers can detach the sides from the waist to the knee while driving thereby
reducing any feeling of restraint.
Wong Tsz-bun
Free sauna
I am a Patrol Sub-unit officer of Kowloon
West Region. On the evening of April 5, the temperature was over 25C and I was on 'C' shift.
Officers of 'A' and 'B' shifts were on shirt sleeve order but officers on 'C' shift wore
winter uniform.
Because of the heat my uniform was soaked with perspiration while I conducted patrols
that night.
I see no reason why officers on night shift were not on shirt sleeve order. By wearing
winter uniform our performance was negatively affected.
Shouldn't the power of deciding what working dress is worn be delegated to the Patrol
Sub-unit Commander, who would have been more aware than the Regional Commander of what
the temperature was that night?
Yours faithfully
A sweaty officer
(name supplied)
REPLY . . .
There is a need for uniformity in the wearing
of working dress and it is not considered desirable to delegate below the level of Regional
Commander in respect of shirt sleeve order.
On the approach of warmer weather, forecasts are monitored on a daily basis and on
the evening of 5 April 1998 as temperatures of 22C to 23C were expected it was felt that 'C' shift
officers would be more comfortable wearing tunics.
While every effort is made to ensure that officers are appropriately attired the fickle
nature of the weather patterns can negate the very best of intentions.
I can sympathise with the officer's discomfort and hope that the current review of
the Force working dress will result in a uniform that will not require en bloc changing and
which will allow for some latitude to meet personal requirements.
Yours sincerely
S H Robbins
Firearms training range safety
Regarding firearms training, although I
agree with Mr Leung Man-chiu's idea of having different requirement levels for officers of
different ages (OFFBEAT 629), his suggestion is not feasible because the current firearms
training course is very intensive and his proposal would only cause administrative confusion.
What concerns me more is that I find the current safety measures during training to
be insufficient.
Under current drills and practices, one training session requires officers to move
swiftly from side to side, then to shoot from behind cover. I find many officers, irrespective of
their age and due perhaps to stress, fatigue, discomfort or physical injury, unable to cope with
the directive.
My fear is that a frightened officer may fall down or faint (due to one of the reasons
mentioned) and accidentally discharge his or her revolver with the potential of causing injuries
to those in the vicinity.
Will the Force consider erecting shooting booths to separate officers during their
Yours sincerely
S/Sgt Fu Lap-shun
Central Division
REPLY . . .
The Annual Revolver Courses are designed
to train our officers to meet the required standard of the Force. Qualified Firearms Instructors
are deployed to coach officers who may have difficulty in catching up with required drills.
Safety is of paramount importance for firearms training. The drills and practices
incorporated in all firearms training programmes, including live firing sessions are carefully
designed to meet operational requirements on one hand and not to compromise range safety
on the other.
Firearms Instructors are there to ensure the practices are conducted in a safe manner.
Inadvertent discharges should not happen if the safety precautions are adhered to.
Should an officer feel he or she cannot cope during a firearms training programme
either due to illness or physical injury, they should make it known to range staff for appropriate
May I emphasis once again that any officer who is not sure of his or her own ability
is welcomed to seek an instructors' advice. Firearms Instructors offer assistance as and when
Lee Yeung-chi
SP Weapons Training

Crazy Caption Contest

"You idiot, Vice Squad agents are supposed to dress like customers!"
in thick and fast for this particular pic, with the winning entry going to Chris Emmett, SSP OPS KW,
who contributed the above caption.
OFFBEAT editorial committee members also liked:
"Whoever said that Cheung Sams only fit Chinese girls?"
(sent in by Jenny Chan Lai-ching, PT II, LMCDIV, BORDIST, NTN); and
"Who says KHQ is staffed by men who act like old women? . . . some act quite young."
(Thank you Steve Chandler, C&IIB).
SIP Crime, LTDIST Dave Mattinson's contributions were pretty good as well:
"- Sir, sir, I'm being sexually molested!"
"- So I see, but we'll never be able to prove it in court."
"I don't care how realistic your 'assets' look, I'm not authorising you to work undercover."
Thank you all.
Send in your questions and comments now
Co-ordinated by Administration and
Support Group, Personnel Services Branch, professionals from the Hong Kong Medical
Association will present a series of articles on personal health and answer your questions in
a new monthly column, TREASURE YOUR HEALTH.
Starting next issue (#634), the first topic for discussion will be "high blood pressure",
followed by "cardiac disease", "gastric disease", "nervous breakdown", and "household
health care".
OFFBEAT readers are welcome to submit their questions and comments on
precautions, cures and other concerns with respect to health to: Personnel Services Branch
Headquarters by fax 2865-4799 for referral to the Hong Kong Medical Association, whose
participating members will then respond to in this column.