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Lost in Sha Tin

The following letter was sent to CP Hui . . .


I would like to relate an incident regarding one of your officers.

I was searching for an address in Sha Tin, an area I am not familiar with, so I parked my car near the Sha Tin City Hall and tried asking directions from a number of taxi drivers. Unfortunately, none knew.

While I was parked, a police car stopped in front of my car and a Police Constable Chung (48448) told us that we had parked in a restricted area.

When I explained to him that we were lost, he kindly proposed to take us to the address in question. Because I did not have the complete address we had to stop along the way during which time I called my secretary for assistance in providing more details of the building's location.

Officer Chung took over the phone and got the full address, then continued to take us to the destination.

By now it was obvious that we were taking up a lot of his time. He nonetheless delivered us to the front door of the place in question.

This officer's kindness had a great affect on us and I now write to thank him through you. He did a wonderful thing and we truly appreciate that it was done out of consideration for us.

I would also like to thank you Mr Hui, because through your leadership I believe Hong Kong will continue to be a safer and a better place in which to live.

Yours truly
Mrs Nasreen Ting

"Colossal" effort to fight crime


We wish to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation for the quick and effective action taken by the Hong Kong Police on the evening of 1 October ¡Ð National Day ¡Ð following a dispute with two youngsters living in the building adjacent to ours after they misfired a firecracker that exploded in front of our flat in Wah Fu Estate.

When we complained to them about their careless action, one threatened to assault us, so we called the police, who arrived within minutes. Their effective action brought the situation under immediate control and minimised chances of an attack by the two youths.

This incident illustrated to us the efficiency, determination and colossal effort of Hong Kong Police to fight crime. Once again, much thanks to the Hong Kong Police Force and especially to the officers involved in this operation.

Tai Lap Yan


Charles Derek Mayger
1928 - 1998

RETIRED (in 1985) Hong Kong Police Chief Superintendent Charles Derek Mayger passed away because of illness on 14 October 98 at Goring-By-Sea in the UK. His funeral service was held at Worthing Crematorium on 23 October.

Born in London on 6 December 1928, Charles Mayger joined the Hong Kong Police in 1949, and in a distinguished career that saw him promoted to CSP in 1978, was awarded the CPM for Meritorious Service, the Colonial Police Long Service Medal (First and Second Clasps), and the QPM for distinguished service in 1983.

Mr Mayger, who is survived by his widow Mimi, and their five children and 12 grandchildren, was 69.

Applicants to Hong Kong Police Force soar

DPT Leung Fung-shun said at the recent Good Citizen Award presentation ceremony that the number of applicants for police constable and probationary inspector between April and October this year increased by 100 and 60 per cent to 10,564 and 2,289 respectively when compared to the same period last year. Mr Leung said that the Force was considering raising the entry requirement to those wishing to enter the Force at the inspectorate level to degree holders.

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