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Last issue, we discussed the deep breathing relaxation exercise, now we are going to look at two other relaxation techniques:

Imagination is like day dreaming with purpose and plans, it helps us relax and enjoy the feeling of "letting go" yet not indulging in fantasy. When we focus on a tranquil picture and peaceful scenery, interference from the external environment will be reduced.

Meanwhile, our nervous system will react to such an image and some physical reactions will follow, including slowing down of our breathing and heartbeat and relaxation of our muscles. Our whole person will then feel relieved gradually.

Muscle relaxation
Stress may cause tension in the muscles. Through relaxing the muscles, you may ease the tension.

  • Contract and relax the muscles in a systematic manner.
  • Pay attention and try to differentiate between the feeling of contracting and relaxing the muscles.

    Those who are interested in learning these relaxation exercises should contact the Police Clinical Psychologists for more details.

    (The above is a translation of excerpts from a stress management handbook produced by the Psychological Services Group)

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