
The newspaper of the Hong Kong Police Force
ISSUE 663 September 8 to September 21, 1999

Contents Highlights:
Police bravery lauded with lives saved in airport crash
Dispatch of injured smooth amid 'battlefield' conditions
Unit braves potential time bomb to free those trapped
Crime rates remain low
Police watchdog enhanced
Typhoon Sam keeps officers busy
Illegal racers parked in Police blitz
New boats boost patrols
Prompt action to safeguard life at Shek Kip Mei
The Shark's swansong
In Brief
Mainland diplomats meet top officers
SP promotions
Commendations for KW officers
Portuguese police visit the CP
Photo Features
Police assist in airport clean up
Healthy Lifestyles
Do you have insomnia?
Tai chi duo take wushu title
Polly Leung: 2866-6171
Linda Cheng: 2866-6172
Brendan Delfino: 2866-4774
Benny Ho: 2866-6174
Yiu Chi-fai: 2866-6174
Fax: 2866-4161
OffBeat, PPRB, 4/F, Harcourt House, 39 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai.
Internet: http://www.info.gov.hk/police
Email: offbeat@police.gcn.gov.hk
Deadline for next edition: September 14 |