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Traffic caps and other equipment

I write concerning appropriate 'headgear' for traffic officers and on the equipping of police motorcycles.

The recent move to equip the Emergency Unit and members of the Driver Cadre with berets, instead of peaked caps, is a step in the right direction.

The subject of traffic officers' headgear has been brought up, and I am given to believe that the Police Stores has sufficient stock of berets and badges to equip each officer in traffic formations.

However, it will take six months for a decision to be made. This seems like an awfully long time for such a simple task. Surely berets could be distributed and wearing instructions issued within a much shorter time?

I would like to point out that presently traffic officers on motorcycle patrol have to carry various equipment in their panniers. The right side is usually occupied solely by a peaked cap. If a beret were to be issued, this pannier could be used to carry other equipment.

I would also like to suggest the Force urgently look into the equipment carried by traffic officers - they carry no first aid kit and no fire extinguisher, for example. Recently, I and a number of other traffic officers attended a serious accident where, upon arrival, we could do very little to assist the injured persons. Fortunately, the Crime Prevention Bureau's ' bus'was passing and it was equipped with a first aid kit allowing its staff administer initial treatment.

Also, car fires have gone out of control because the responding traffic officer had no means of extinguishing an initially small fire. It should not be forgotten that officers on two wheels often arrive at incidents much faster than ambulance and fire crews.

It is not impossible that one day our lack of first aid, or other equipment, may result in a fatality or more serious incident. The cost of equipping a number of motorcycles (it does not have to be every one) with first-aid kits and extinguishers cannot be much compared to the cost of our failing to treat a traffic accident victim, or to let a vehicle fire burn out of control.

N.A. Pearson
Senior Inspector, Traffic Hong Kong Island

Reply from Traffic Branch

We fully understand the peaked cap does occupy most of the space in the panniers. A staff paper for allowing traffic officers to wear berets instead of caps has been sent to management. Following the use of berets in the Driver Cadre and EU, it is hoped a favourable reply will be forthcoming shortly.

Because of the size of the pannier, it is not possible for a first-aid kit to be carried by a motorcyclist. However, officers should be equipped with some first-aid dressings which are standard store items.

Fire extinguishers are a very good suggestion. Since there is quite a large amount of equipment installed in a motorcycle, its balance and the safety of the rider are the most important issues we have to consider. However, the suggestion will be passed to the Force's Transport Branch for consideration.

P. Croft
for the Chief Superintendent, Traffic

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