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Plaudits rolling in for North Point Station

Since the Station Improvement Project launched in April last year, North Point Police Station, one of the scheme's three pilots, has continued to win praise from both officers and the public.

And more looks to be coming as station staff were finding new opportunities to better serve the community.

North Point Divisional Commander Elsie Wong Mui-kit said a 'report by fax' publicity drive started last March and has proved so effective, the number of faxes received in November was almost triple that of September, 1998. "On the other hand, we have formed a volunteer group to man our Resource Centre in a bid to extend its opening hours so that more officers could benefit from its facilities," Ms Wong said.

Since March, report room customers and those of Criminal Investigation Division officers, were given newly-designed questionnaires to offer feedback on station facilities and staff performance.

"So far, we've received 18 compliments for CID officers and 22 for report room staff in addition to a considerable number of appreciation letters," Ms Wong said.

On a recent visit to North Point Station, OffBeat happened to meet Mr Tang Wai-shing who was reporting the loss of a petrol company smart card. Mr Tang said he was impressed by the state-of-the-art facilities.

"It only took a few minutes to make my report. That's really efficient and the officers I encountered were very helpful indeed," he said.

Justices of the Peace and Eastern District Fight Crime Committee members were invited to visit and offer their comments and suggestions.

Owing to its success, North Point Station was invited to take part in the Civil Service Bureau's Customer Service Award Scheme to compete with other government departments.

A panel of judges visited the report room on December 2 and observed its operation and staff performance. However, a recent newspaper report suggested the station's staff were deployed as Report Room 'customers' during the judges' visit.

Eastern District Commander Paul Hung Hak-wai rejected the report saying the Force had looked into the case and could find no evidence proving the claim.

"The report room is equipped with a 24-hour video recording system. We've screened the tapes and found no staff making reports during the visit by the judging panel. The report is not true," Mr Hung said.

"And I strongly believe the judging panel would make their assessment upholding the principles of fairness and impartiality and choose the most eligible candidate amongst all participants."

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