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Alcohol: The facts

1. Myth: Alcohol can stimulate thinking and improve social skills.

Truth: Alcohol cannot enhance your ability to think. Although it seems to loosen tongues and makes some more sociable, it is because alcohol decreases the ability to control your mind and behaviour.

2. Myth: Alcohol can aid sleep.

Truth: Large amounts of alcohol will make people sleep, however it will adversely affect your quality of sleep. As a result, you do not feel refreshed after sleep. It has an adverse effect as people may wake up in the middle of the night. Moreover, when you get up in the morning there can be a severe headache. Furthermore, although a sip of wine may help some relax, when this forms a habit, the relaxation effect decreases. Consequently, you'll need to drink a large amount in order to obtain the same effect and may develop a dependency.

3. Myth: Alcohol can substitute food. Truth: After drinking, some feel they're full. Hence, many believe alcohol contains nutrition and can substitute food.

In fact, the major constituent of alcohol is carbohydrate and can only give us empty calories. Other nutrients like proteins and vitamins are absent and for that reason, alcohol cannot give us balanced nutrition. Excess alcohol will destroy your ability to absorb vitamins and minerals and diminish your appetite, leading to nutrient deficiency.

4. Myth: Only drinking beer will do no harm. Truth: Many believe only hard liquor will harm their bodes. In fact, a half pint of beer contains the same amount of alcohol as a shot of whisky. Hence, no matter which alcoholic drink you choose, if it's consumed in large amounts frequently, it will also have an adverse effect to health.

5. Myth: Alcohol can make you feel more confident and improve performance.

Truth: Small amounts of alcohol may help you relax and reduce inhibitions in social gatherings. However, if you need a sober mind, such as to attend an interview or to drive, alcohol can induce serious consequences. After drinking, you may think that you are more capable and confident, but your performance actually worsens.

6. Myth: I can't be an alcoholic, because when I drink too much I get sick.

Truth: Some keep on drinking even though their stomachs and heads protest - they become alcoholics.

7. Myth: I can't be an alcoholic because I drink a lot and never get sick.

Truth: Many alcoholics think they have a large capacity for alcohol and it has no effect on them. But they became slaves to alcohol.

8. Myth: Alcohol can increase sexual ability.

Truth: As alcohol decreases suppression, making you feel more carefree, it can increase sexual desire. However, alcohol will decrease sexual arousal and adversely affect one's performance during sex. Alcohol can also cause impotence.

(This was the latest article in our PSYNET series on drinking)

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