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Government officials
laud Force's 1999 efforts

(CP Eddie Hui recently sent his review and comments on the crime situation for 1999 to a number of dignitaries, highlighting police facts and figures for the year. Here are some of the replies he received.)

On behalf of the Chief Executive, we would like to thank you and your colleagues for your dedication and achievements over the past year. We look forward to your continued hard work in maintaining Hong Kong as a stable and safe place to live.

Richard Yuen
Private Secretary to Chief Executive

Thank you for your letter and the statistical data and charts on the crime situation in Hong Kong over the past year.

Many thanks for your letter in which you review the Police Force's efforts in combating crime last year. It was an impressive performance. The community fully supports and thanks you for this. It looks to the Force for underpinning the stability and prosperity of the SAR. I know that it will not be disappointed.

Donald Tsang
Financial Secretary

Law and order has always been one of the corner-stones of Hong Kong's stability. The economic and social situations in Hong Kong in the past year have provided new challenges. However, I am sure the Force, under your able leadership, will be able to effectively tackle these new challenges to the satisfaction of the community.

C.Y. Leung
Convenor of the Executive Counci

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