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PPRB's replies to the media

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  • A letter was sent to a Chinese newspaper on January 20 asserting that the Force was both responsible and rational in taking the initiative to appeal to members of the public regarding safety measures to follow during the festive season.

  • A letter was sent to another Chinese newspaper on January 20 pointing out that investigation was continuing into an allegation that a Superintendent had used witness statements in his PhD dissertation.

  • The introduction of the proposed Police smart warrant card in March has nothing to do with the question of integrity of the officers, a Police spokesman said in a press release issued on January 22.

  • A letter was sent to a Chinese newspaper on January 28 pointing out that its editorial writer had misunderstood the message Commissioner Tsang Yam-pui tried to get across on RTHK Radio 3's "Letter to Hong Kong" and the exercise of power of discretion by the Police.

  • A press release was issued on January 31 stressing that the Force has well-established and clear guidelines on the use of firearms and that the safety of the public is the top priority in all Police operations.

    (For details please check PEN)

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