Yuen Long community network helps fight crime |
Co-operation from the public is essential in crime prevention and detection. With this in mind, the Yuen Long District Fight Crime Committee (YL DFCC) established a community fight crime network in the district in 1995. This network has gradually expanded over the years and plays an important role in Police-community relation and the fight against crime. YL DFCC Chairman Cham Ka-hung recalled that the YL DFCC and the Yuen Long Police Community Relations Office joined hands to establish two Estate/Rural Areas Neighbourhood Watch and Security Committees (NWSCs) that year, the first of its kind among the DFCCs. There are now a total of 10 NWSCs, seven in public and private housing estates and three in rural areas. They function like 'mini' DFCCs, serving as a channel for residents to express their views on the local crime situation and paying special attention to security in housing estates and rural areas. "The executive committee members of the NWSCs are usually also members of mutual aid committees or rural committees who are familiar with district affairs," Mr Cham said. Yuen Long Police Community Relations Officer Kwan Ping-yun greatly appreciates the NWSCs' contribution to crime detection and prevention in the district. He emphasised that it was important for members of the public and community fight crime bodies to remember that their role was to inform the Police of any situations that aroused suspicion and required Police attention. They should not confront suspects or deal with crime activities by themselves. "Since members of the NWSCs meet representatives from both the Force and the housing estate management regularly to discuss crime and security issues, they, as representatives of the residents, can provide us with useful information leading to the detection of crimes," Mr Kwan said. "An officer from the Police Community Relations Office or, on some occasions, the Divisional Commander (DVC) or Assistant Divisional Commander Operations attends the meetings to listen to the views of residents. "Upon receiving residents' complaints or information regarding crime, we will swiftly inform the DVC for investigation and take follow-up action like stepping up patrol or arresting suspects," he explained. He said that in one case, several suspected thieves were arrested after residents reported the location of a suspected stolen vehicle. Mr Kwan said the NWSCs also raised concerns over security in housing estates during regular meetings. "Security will be tightened where problems are spotted. For instance, both the Police and security guards of housing estates will pay extra attention to locations where suspicious persons are found," he added. Mr Cham revealed that the YL DFCC planned to extend the existing NWSCs to cover newly completed housing estates to save resources. Mr Cham noted that the YL DFCC and the YL Police also jointly organised a series of year-round activities such as carnivals and exhibitions to raise the residents' awareness of crime prevention. He and Mr Kwan are happy to see that co-operation between the Police and residents in fighting against crime is greatly enhanced through the DFCC and especially the NWSC network.
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