Force introduces additional promotion avenue for JPOs

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The Force has introduced a new open recruitment scheme for junior police officers (JPOs) to advance to the Inspectorate, in addition to the Potential Officer Scheme (POS) or Selected Appointment Scheme (SAS).

Known as Direct Entry (DE) Procedure, the new scheme came into effect on December 8, with the aim of enhancing the promotion prospect of JPOs to the Inspectorate and taking cognizance of the much-improved qualifications of serving JPOs in the Force.

Under the new scheme, JPOs possessing the direct entry academic requirements (matriculation or above) are eligible to apply for the post of Probationary Inspector (PI) through open recruitment. Applicants will have to go through the same selection process as other direct entry applicants.

However, an application will not normally be processed if the applicant is convicted of a major disciplinary offence during the preceding two years; or convicted of a minor disciplinary offence during the preceding one year; or is under a warning for dismissal or interdiction.

To avoid duplication of candidature and waste of resources, JPOs are not allowed to apply for the post of PI via the DE avenue while they are being nominated through the POS or vice versa.

If a JPO opts for the POS and is nominated by his or her Formation Commander, he or she will not be eligible to apply via open recruitment until the 12-month period (from the date of notification of result) has lapsed. For officers who have been nominated under the POS but have failed in the Extended Interview Written Examination (EIWE), the 12-month period will be counted from the date of notification of the written examination result. For officers who have passed the EIWE but eventually have failed in the Final Selection Board, the 12-month period will be counted from the date of notification of the result of the final selection.

Similarly, an officer who fails at any stage of the selection process in open recruitment will not be eligible for nomination via the POS within 12 months from the date of notification of result by the Recruitment Group. In line with the direct entry procedures, an officer who fails in the open recruitment will not be eligible to re-apply via the direct entry avenue within 12 months from the date of notification of result by the Recruitment Group.

The Extended Interview Written Examination result will be valid for three years and can be used for applications under the POS as well as the direct entry open recruitment procedure.

Officers successfully going through the selection process will be subject to vetting, medical examination and availability of vacancies prior to appointment.

A JPO who is appointed via the direct entry avenue will be regarded as an in-service transfer in accordance with CSR 109(3). The entry salary and incremental date of an officer on in-service transfer is determined in accordance with CSRs 130 and 133.

Details of PI entry requirements and selection procedures are available on the Force's Home Page.

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