Contents Highlights
Outgoing CP has full confidence in Force's future
New CP at the helm
Congratulatory messages from well-wishers
HK 'the safest place' in Asia Pacific
Frontline officers earn overseas praise
Officers going an extra mile
CCB seminar on IT crime is well received
New pier opens at Tai Lam
Input your talents for performing special tasks
Force collects warm clothing for the needy
Force introduces additional promotion avenue for JPOs
NTN steps up fight against theft of heavy machinery
OffBeat submission deadline
Force ByteHow to Use Mail Merging in Word (4)
In Brief
Senior officers promoted
Four officers commended by CP
Praise for Central District
Photo Features
CP retires after 38 years' service
ASU celebrates Silver Jubilee
New Territories South holds Regional Sports Day
Dowman Road Race 2004
Annual Badminton Championship
Test your skills at mountain marathon
Healthy Lifestyle
PsynetMental Health in the Workplace Campaign Long Hours (II)
Bulletin Board
Chirstmas AV Products Fair
Donation to the Chest
Police Souvenir Shop Special Welfare Offer