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在英文語法上,主詞動詞的一致性有許多規範。例如,單數的主詞須配單數的動詞 (The boy under the tree looks lovely/ The boys under the tree look lovely);一些額外加插的片語,如accompanied by, along with, as well as, in addition to, including, no less than, not to mention, together with等並不會影響主詞的語法數目(Political atmosphere, as well as economic situation, influences votes);若Every或each置於以and連接的單數主語,該句子的動詞須為單數(Every cat, dog and bird has to be counted),但是若each置於眾數主詞後,其句子的動詞形式則不受影響(The dog and the cat each have their own beds)。

除句子中的主詞在數目、性別、格等方面均須與動詞一致外,代名詞與其先行詞在數目上亦須一致(A tribesman has his own language/Tribesmen have their own language)。



(1) All work and no play (make/makes) Jack a dull boy.

(2) There (is/are) a pair of trousers on the bed.

(3) Neither the teacher nor his students (know/knows) how to solve the problem.

(4) One-third of the employers (is/are) happy with their employees’ performance.

(5) Peter, together with his friends, (win/wins) the first prize.

(6) Each and every boy and girl in this room (is/are) doing very well.

(7) Bread and butter (is/are) my daily food.

(8) Not only Peter but also his girl friend (is/are) responsible for the car accident.

(9) Ten thousand miles (is/are) a long distance.

(10) Ella was the only one of the participants who (was/were) well prepared for the competition.




(2)油油 (3)洋洋

(4)朵朵 (5)皚皚


(7)漆漆 (8)糾糾

(9)溜溜 (10)錚錚


(1) Tso Yuk-lan (SA T HKI)

(2) 陸月華 (招募組助理文書主任)

(3) 蘇煥英 (CO GR T HKI)

(4) 董妙玲 (新界南刑事總部文書助理)

(5) 植愛萍 (二級工人 C NTS GR)


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