Knowledge Management Infostation
KM related news

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Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) Seminar Series

On November 26, the first PKM seminar "I Search, Therefore I Am" was conducted at ITLU in PHQ when the Knowledge Management Officer shared with 25 Force members information on how to make the best use of the different search engines on the Internet. Relevant materials will be uploaded onto KM Portal for information. In addition, with the overwhelming response for the first seminar, SQW intends to organise another one for some 15 officers in due course.

The theme of the second PKM seminar will focus on Social Applications, e.g. Blog, Wiki, etc. The seminar, like the first one, welcomes all Force members to join. Announcement will be made on Force NoticeBoard and POINT upon the confirmation of the venue and time.


Logo and Slogan Competitions

Two competitions, KM Logo Competition and Slogan Competition, are underway, with a total of 69 slogans and 21 logo submissions received. A selection panel, which comprises Mr Charles Wong (ACP SQ), Mr Bernie So (SSP HT), Mr Alfred Wong (SSP IB 2 SQ), Mr Eric Cheng (Company Commander, PTU D, KE), and Ms Sonia Tam (SIP EPOL), was formed for selecting the finalists of the two competitions.


Subsequently the following finalists were chosen:

Logo Competition
Slogan Competition
PC 58241 WSGT55102
PC51105 & PC 57096 SSGT69932
PC59109 SGT47519
PC4316 SGT23968
PC2501 PC49190
PC58766 PC33830


PC52600 & PC51020


The second and final round of selection will be held on a date to be announced in due course.

Enquiries on Force KM Development or registration for the PKM sharing seminar, can be directed to the Knowledge Management Officer on 2860-6573.

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