Contents Highlights
Force can provide the best service for HKMC - CP
Hong Kong Police College opens next month Police training to be further professionalised
Hong Kong Police College Series (I)
Force members honoured
All-new HQCCC opens for modernised Force
Women police officers look intofemale offenders at symposium
EU KW officers project caring image
Drama contest exposes swindlers' tricks
Officers get COC for reducing burglary
SSGT trains in down under
Family Life Education Series Family Harmony - final chapter
Knowledge Management Infostation
Conditions of Service and Discipline Branch Column Advance of pension
"Thank you" from the public
Forcebyte - The CC3 Radios
In Brief
Courtesy calls
School compliments KTDIV
Praise for Central District
Edgar sets sight on East Asian Games in 2009
Friendly soccer match
Bulletin board