Praise for Central District

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Shortly after a lone male Two-way Permit holder had robbed two women with a pistol-like object in Central, officers from Central Division and Emergency Unit Hong Kong Island, led by Divisional Commander of Central Division Tam Chak-hang, cordoned off and searched the vicinity and subsequently arrested the suspect, seized the imitation firearm, and recovered the stolen properties.

In appreciation of the police assistance, the victims recently presented a souvenir to Central District Commander Chau Kwok-leung. At the same time, the Central and Western District Fight Crime Committee and a welfare organisation in Central, which were aware of the case, also presented banners and souvenirs to Central Police Station and Emergency Unit Hong Kong Island in appreciation of their hard work and professionalism, as well as the leadership of senior officers.

Central and Western District Council Chairman, Mr Chan Tat-chor, Central and Western District Fight Crime Committee Chairman, Mr Lai Tat-sang, Central and Western Assistant District Officer, Miss Alice Yeung, Chairman of JPC Council Central, Mr Ngai Wai-ming, and some local dignitaries attended the presentation ceremony to show their support to police.

Hong Kong Island Regional Commander Tang Kam-moon also complimented Mr Tam for his leadership.


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