FBINAA open to Force graduates |
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The FBI National Academy Associates (FBINAA), a dynamic organisation of more than 17,000 law enforcement professionals who have played a significant role in developing a high level of competency, co-operation, and integrity within the law enforcement community, is open to Force members who have graduated from the FBI National Academy (FBINA). Over 36,000 law enforcement officers have graduated from FBINA, of whom seven per cent are either international or from overseas territories and possessions. After graduation, each officer has the opportunity to join FBINAA, which is divided into 45 chapters covering the US and countries that have sent law enforcement personnel to study at FBINA. Hong Kong is included in Division 4 of the Asia Pacific Chapter, which covers the Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. There are over 130 FBINA graduates currently serving in the Force but few have joined FBINAA. To become an active member, a former graduate has to pay a membership fee of merely AUS$30 per year or AUS$80 for three years. Membership entitles the graduate to reduced conference fees, a copy of "The Associate" magazine, access to the member's only section of the FBINAA Website (which will soon contain the contact details of all graduates), an annual membership card, and regular updates on what is happening in their chapter. Those wishing to join FBINAA should contact SSP CRM KE Peter Barnes, SP OPS CRM HKI Paul Mounsey or ADC CRM WCH Karl Spencer. FBINAA's useful email address and website are: fbinaa.asiapacific@gmail.com (for FBINAA Asia-Pacific Chapter) and http://www.fbinaa.org (for FBINAA main website) . The FBINAA 2006 annual conference was held in Toronto, Canada, earlier this month. The 2006 annual retraining session and conference for the Asia Pacific Chapter will be held in Canberra, Australia, commencing on November 5, this year, and will be hosted by the Australian Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty. It will be a great opportunity for networking and expanding professional skills and expertise. The 2007 Conference will be held in Thailand, to be hosted by the Royal Thai Police.
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