Contents Highlights
JPOs urged to join the fast Direct Entry Avenue
LegCo approves new JPO quarters
Hang Seng donates $1 million for Force welfare and education
CE wishes Ambassadors rewarding trip to Australia
Incremental approach to five-day week
Officers urged to pursue lifelong learning
New RPC training course - a big challenge
KM Champion making progress in developing PEAK
Seminars on promotion quality draw overwhelming response
New Internet Usage Policy on the way - peace of mind and speed of thought
Senior officer returns from FBI course
Talk on Mainland Company Law
Friendship enhanced over hot curry
YTDIST distributes anti-crime video clip
FBINAA open to Force graduates
Tips for Smart Cops SeriesSafe custody of detained persons
Family Life Education Series Mutual Support for Families: A Caring Workforce
Force Byte : What is ICIRT?
"Thank you" from the public
Conditions of Service and Discipline Branch ColumnSalary payments during sick leave
Photo Features
Officers and units honoured over HKMC
Bulletin board
Trusts invite applications
Special Welfare Offer
Product Highlights