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The "Police Recruitment Day 2013" held at Police Headquarters on July 28 drew nearly 1,600 applications. "Police Recruitment Day" is a large-scale event organised by the Recruitment Division of Personnel Wing.  

Compared with the normal selection process, Police Recruitment Day provides one-stop services to applicants for the posts of Probationary Inspector, including initial screening and scheduling of a written examination. For Recruit Police Constable (RPC), initial screening and group interview were conducted to shorten the selection process.  Successful RPC applicants may start foundation training in Police College as early as October this year.

The highlight of the Recruitment Day was four seminars, where police commanders and Assistant Commissioner (Personnel), Mrs Ng Tsui Fung-ying, shared their policing experience with the applicants in order to give them a better idea of the diversity of police work. 

At a seminar, Mrs Ng told the audience: "I came across many challenges throughout my career but at the same time I also got a lot of enjoyment and satisfaction." She reminded the applicants that they should be committed to serving society, fear no  hardship and face up to challenges.

More information of police recruitment is available from the Police Public Page, Force Mobile Apps and the official Hong Kong Police YouTube Channel. 

Applicants get one-stop services on the Recruitment Day
Applicants get one-stop services on the Recruitment Day