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Since January 2006, Police College and the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK) have been jointly conducting two social science modules, "Psychology in Policing" and "Social Studies in Policing", for the foundation training for Recruit Police Constable (RPC). OUHK will award a Certificate in Law Enforcement and Security Management (LESM) to RPCs who have successfully completed the foundation training with those two modules.

Since 2007, OUHK has provided opportunities for officers who completed RPC foundation training before January 2006 to obtain the same qualification by enrolling in a bridging course. An OUHK lecturer, Mr Chan Wing-lun, pointed out: "Upon completion of the bridging course, officers are awarded the Certificate in LESM and granted 30 credits for pursuing higher qualifications in LESM, such as diploma, higher diploma and bachelor degree."

He said: "The bridging course lasts for two semesters. Students study the "Social Studies in Policing" module in the first semester and the "Psychology in Policing" module in the following one. They can complete the whole course in one year.

"The bridging course is tailor-made for police officers. Students learn how to view social issues from different perspectives and get a better understanding of the roles of police in society. Through learning psychology, they can have a good grasp of the mentalities, feelings, thinking and expectations of the people they are dealing with.  This can enhance their ability to provide quality services to the public."

The OUHK is now accepting enrolment applications for the bridging course, which will commence in October.