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To tackle village house burglaries in Tseung Kwan O Division, Kwun Tong District (KTDIST) has enhanced intelligence gathering and stepped up patrol at burglary black spots, besides promoting a "One Flat One Alarm" programme.  

On July 30, KTDIST and Kowloon East Regional Crime Prevention Office, assisted by  Tseung Kwan O Division, jointly organised an anti-village house burglary seminar in Tseung Kwan O Police Station for village representatives. Joining KTDIST Commander Chau Cho-kei and Tseung Kwan O Divisional Commander  Chan Kwok-kee at the seminar were Chairman of Hang Hau Rural Committee, Mr Sing Hon-keung, and two Sai Kung District Councillors, Mr Lau Wai-cheung and Mr Yau Yuk-lun.

At the seminar, officers briefed the village representatives on police efforts to combat rural burglaries, introduced burglary prevention measures, and called on them to pass on the related messages to their fellow villagers. At the same time, Mr Sing encouraged villagers to do their best to help police beat crime.  

Village representatives have praised Tseung Kwan O Division's initiatives to combat burglary
Village representatives have praised Tseung Kwan O Division's initiatives to combat burglary