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The Chairman of the Taxi and Public Light Bus Concern Group, Mr Lai Ming-hung, called at Yau Tsim District on July 25 and presented banners and plaques to the Force for stamping out malpractices by taxi drivers, including overcharging and robbery.

Witnessing the presentation were Legislative Council Members, Mr Tien Puk-sun, Mr Yick Chi-ming and Ms Wong Pik-wan. At the same time, the Chairman of Yau Tsim Mong District Fight Crime Committee (DFCC), Mr Chan Siu-tong, and four DFCC members were also on hand to support the police.

The banners and plaques were presented to Yau Tsim District, Crime Kowloon West, Traffic Kowloon West, Traffic Hong Kong Island and Central District. 

To tackle an increase in reports of taxi malpractices, in particular theft of passengers' luggage, Crime Kowloon West mounted an operation code named "FIRSTSTRIKE" in October last year.

An analysis showed the victims were mostly tourists who boarded taxis in busy shopping areas and tourist spots. Adopting a multi-agency approach, Crime Kowloon West collaborated with Traffic Kowloon West and Yau Tsim District in taking enforcement action at crime black spots. A special telephone hotline was set up for the taxi trade and passengers to make reports to police. 
As a result of the operation, some people were arrested for various offences, including theft, attempted theft, theft of vehicle, conspiracy to defraud, using a false instrument, going equipped for cheating, handling stolen goods and traffic offences. 

Besides operation "FIRSTSTRIKE", Crime Kowloon West, assisted by District Councillors and Yau Tsim Mong DFCC, also mounted publicity drives in Canton Road and places frequented by tourists.