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The Road Safety Team of Traffic New Territories North (T NTN) and the Road Safety Patrol NTN Region played host to 50 students aged between 10 and 13 and six teachers from Hangzhou during the latter's visit to the Tuen Mun Road Safety Town on July 19.

Road Safety Team officers and two summer interns under the Police Mentorship programme gave the visitors talks on the pedestrian crossing facilities and the rules and regulations for pedestrians and cyclists. 

T NTN Chief Inspector Chan Ting-yuen shared with the delegation his experience of promoting road safety in Hong Kong, while Acting Road Safety Officer Tse Fuk-ning told the visitors how his team engaged the community in promoting road safety.

At the end of their visit, the students and teachers said they were impressed with the functions of road crossing facilities in Hong Kong and would bring home the message on road safety.

CIP Chan presents a souvenir to a teacher of the Hangzhou delegation
CIP Chan presents a souvenir to a teacher of the Hangzhou delegation