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As a result of their efforts to forge close ties with the community, including the ethnic minorities, officers from Yau Tsim District (YTDIST) have pulled off two Excellence Awards presented by the India Association of Hong Kong. The awards were presented for the achievements of "Project Gemstone" and to Senior Inspector (SIP) Fong Wai-ho (OC DCS 1 YTDIST). This is the seventh year in a row the association has bestowed such honour on the Force.
Attending the ceremony on August 6 were Director of Operations Wong Chi-hung, Yau Tsim District Commander Yu Tat-chung, Deputy District Commander Siu Kit-hung, Assistant District Commander (Crime) Tsang Yiu-wo and Police Community Relations Officer, Chief Inspector (CIP) M. M. Khan. Also witnessing the presentation were Consul General of India, Mr Gaddam Dharmendra, Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing, Under Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Lau Kong-wah, and dignitaries of the Indian community in Hong Kong. 
"Project Gemstone" is operated under the Junior Police Call (JPC) scheme to assist Non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) youths in overcoming language barriers by providing Chinese language classes and outreach visits. The classes aim at brushing up their Chinese language proficiency so that they would meet the academic qualifications for joining the Force or the Civil Service. 
A professional teacher designs and gives tutorials in a school in Yau Ma Tei, with classes run every Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm. Besides language training, arrangements are made for NEC youths to visit government departments to get a better idea of the departments' functions and services. 
The project commenced in February this year and so far 30 NEC youths of Indian, Nepalese and Pakistani origins have joined the programme, with police volunteers providing guidance as mentors. CIP Khan takes charge of the project as Chief Mentor. 
The second Excellence Award was presented to SIP Fong Wai-ho for his performances and dedication to duties, especially the arrest of a suspect in connection with a rape case that occurred in Chung King Mansion in April.
Mr Wong and YTDIST officers with their hosts
Mr Wong and YTDIST officers with their hosts