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For Tseung Kwan O Division (TKODIV), the hundreds of expatriate and English-speaking residents living in villages in Clear Water Bay are also targets for prevention of rural burglaries. Therefore, Tseung Kwan O Divisional Commander Chan Kwok-kee joined hands with the Police Community Relations Office of Kwun Tong District and the Regional Crime Prevention Office of Kowloon East in organising another anti-rural burglary seminar in Tai Hang Hau Village Office, Clear Water Bay, for the expatriate residents on August 2.  

In the seminar, the expatriates pledged support for TKODIV’s neighbourhood watch scheme and information exchanges with villagers. Many of the expatriates praised officers’ efforts and the increased vigilance to burglary they have seen on the ground.

Commenting on the seminar, Mr Virendra Anand, the contact person for the Clear Water Bay Group, said: "The seminar is a good start. Some people showed their support for the police initiative in emails.  On behalf of the residents, I would like to offer sincere thanks for such a thorough presentation. The seminar has definitely changed our perception of the typical burglary modus operandi. We’re looking forward to more co-operation in crime prevention with the police."

After the seminar, copies of anti-burglary booklet and leaflet were distributed to the expatriates.  Crime Alert Email will also be disseminated to the Clear Water Bay Group for enhancing relationship with the expatriate and English-speaking community in Tseung Kwan O.