Police Children's Education Trust and Police Education & Welfare Trust

Retired Officers' Corner

The PCET and the PE&WT were established under the Police Children's Education Trust Ordinance, Cap 1119 and the Police Education and Welfare Trust Ordinance, Cap 1120 in 1967 respectively. Their purposes are to give financial assistance to the full-time education of police children and to provide welfare activities for police forces.

Types of Assistance

Scholarships are aimed at awarding police children with outstanding academic results or achievements for University studies.
Types of scholarships include:

  • University Entrance Scholarship
  • Providence Foundation Medical Scholarship for Year One Medical Student
  • Dr Eddy LI Scholarship for Excellence
  • Scholarship for Outstanding Talents
  • Scholarship for Special Needs Children
  • Scholarship for Volunteerism

Bursaries are aimed at giving financial assistance to police children with high academic results to pursue tertiary level studies.

Grants are aimed at assisting children from families of police officers with financial difficulties or children with special needs to pursue their education and to enhance their opportunities for development. They include:

  • Grants under Compassionate Consideration
  • Grants for Special Needs Children

Deadline for Application

28 October 2024 (Monday) (Late applications will not be considered)

Method of Application

Download Guides for Application and Application Form for PCET and PE&WT for 2024/2025


Enquiries should be made to the PCET and PE&WT Secretariat.

Address: 38/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Tel: 2860 3242
E-mail: sec-trusts@police.gov.hk