



The past two years were full of memorable moments for me as a JPC member. I think joining JPC was the best decision that I have ever made!

In the past, I preferred reading books during my leisure time as a way to broaden my mind. Now, I regret that I did not use my precious time more wisely to sharpen my wit.

JPC is a big family for us to learn how to grow strong through different training and workshops. For example, leadership training courses, police knowledge courses and the most challenging AYP programme all made us become more independent.

From the leadership training, I learnt how to overcome problems when encountering hardships. Instead of running away from them, we should face them in a positive way. When it comes to teamwork, it is also important to listen to others instead of just focusing on our own thoughts. The most important thing I have learnt is that nothing is impossible if we are willing to try and never give up.

The AYP programme took me to my limit of hiking for over 20 km per day. Although it was tough, I acquired much knowledge. The leader taught me map-reading and wilderness survival skills. I also learnt to co-operate with others.

JPC makes me stronger and more mature. I was able to get in touch with things that I could hardly learn in class and from books.
(Miss LEE Yee-man, JPC Member of Tai Po District)


If you wish to share your recent unforgettable JPC experiences with our Newsletter readers, you are welcome to email your 250-word English article and relevant photos (with your name, JPC membership no. and district) to sgt-2-jpc-pprb@police.gov.hk no later than 10 June 2015. The writer of the published article will be awarded a coupon worth $200.


JPC Monthly Newsletter
Editor: Police Public Relations Branch, 11/F Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, No. 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, HK.
Tel: 2860 6157
Fax: 2200 4304
JPC homepage: http://www.hkpjpc.org.hk
Police homepage: http://www.police.gov.hk


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