



Six years ago, I signed up for the sea adventures held by Adventure Ship through my secondary school, but unluckily a Strong Wind Signal No. 3 had been announced before the adventures started. Therefore, all adventures were cancelled for safety reasons. I never thought of having a chance to start a 2-day-1-night journey on Adventure Ship again this early May with my friends from Kwai Tsing District Junior Police Call.

During the journey, I had to walk on the balance beam and jump into the sea from the upper deck. I was very nervous since I cannot swim. The sea was such a scary thing to me even though it was quite peaceful. After being comforted by other JPC members and the coach, I overcame my fear. When I talked about this with my family, they found it unbelievable too! How can a girl lacking swimming skills have the faith to jump into the sea over ten times in two days? It goes without saying that this depends on building up of confidence and getting support from the teammates.

There was a very unforgettable moment that we had to form a group of four to swim to the beach nearby with only one swim ring. In my group, three of us cannot swim and I do not even know how to float. Although there were lots of difficulties, we did not stop kicking in order to reach the beach. I was very thankful at that moment as my teammates did not think of giving up on me. The friendship between us was enhanced after overcoming the hard times in the sea.
(Miss LAI Yee-ming, JPC member Kwai Tsing District)


If you wish to share your recent unforgettable JPC experiences with our Newsletter readers, you are welcome to email your 250-word English article and relevant photos (with your name, JPC membership no. and district) to sgt-2-jpc-pprb@police.gov.hk no later than 10 August 2015. The writer of the published article will be awarded a coupon worth $200.


JPC Monthly Newsletter
Editor: Police Public Relations Branch, 11/F Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, No. 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, HK.
Tel: 2860 6157
Fax: 2200 4304
JPC homepage: http://www.hkpjpc.org.hk
Police homepage: http://www.police.gov.hk


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