

Here we come again ! See what other spices are lifetime faithful to their mates.

Wolves are usually "till die do us part". In the wild, they start breeding by the age of 2. Mated pairs build their wolf pack by having a new litter every year. (Most wolves don't experience reproductive senescence, either, and can have babies until they die.) So when you see a lone wolf, have some sympathy. He is single and looking for love, mourning his dead partner, or, in extreme cases, nursing a break-up with the pack.

Barn owls, some ninety percent of birds are socially monogamous, but that doesn't mean they are completely faithful to one mate. Barn owls, however, put all their eggs in one basket. Males woo females with screeches and gifts of dead mice. If the females responds with croaking sounds, she is basically saying, "I do".

Bald eagles, long-distance relationships are not easy, but bald eagles thrive in them. The birds fly solo during winter and migration, reconnecting with their mates each breeding season. Most eagles pair off by the age of 5 and stay together for at least 20 years.


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