


Detective: Bo, we have just closed the X-case prettily, how about dinning out tonight to have a toast. You have done all by yourself in this case beautifully.

Agent Bo: Well, thanks, I know I am now the toast of "Detectives' Alliance". I am the first lady detective who will enjoy this honour. Hohoho…… (Bo started to stroke her hair coquettishly in front of the mirror)

Detective: You pick the restaurant, all on me tonight, you're worth it. (Bo starts to read the restaurant guide but not able to come up with a name for 15 minutes……)

Detective: Bo, if you DILLY-DALLY in this way, we will never have dinner tonight.

Agent Bo: I am not "DILLY-DALLY", I am not incapable to make up my mind. I just don't want to empty your purse !

Detective: Lovely BO ! Don't worry, you should have the best treat.

Agent Bo: Someone is lying, somoeone has just had a buffet dinner last weekend and greedily stormed 2 platters of oysters in 15 minutes !


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