


More than six thousand pets are abandoned each year. Some of them are lucky enough to be saved by charity organisations which help them for adoption by kind-hearted families thereafter. The rest of them simply stray and are euthanised in the end.

Major reasons of pet abandoning are mainly limited living space, family rejection and health problems of aging pets. But I definitely think these people leaving their pets behind are irresponsible.

Animals have lives. They feel who treats them well and fear losing homes. At old age, they even lose the ability to find food. Why can't we show empathy to them? "Love animals; don't Buy". Let's give a hand and take care of the rest of their lives.

To adopt pets, people have to give extra patience and care with enough time and money. Their families have to support and their living places have to allow pets. Adopted pets should be neutered and vaccinated before being homed. Most important of all, people must promise to love and care their pets for life.


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