



We visited the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the first-ever museum about climate change in the world.

As a Form 2 student, climate change is one of the topics we learn in Geography. Participating in the visit, I know more about the consequences of Global Warming and the importance of environmental protection.

Some living creatures, such as polar bears, penguins and seals are endangered because of Global Warming. Yet some people still fail to realise the influence of it and keep polluting our Earth. Donald Trump has even decided to quit the Paris Agreement and repealed the Clean Power Plan. Glacier melting and rising of sea level also reveal the threat of Global Warming. It is time we changed our everyday habit and became environmentally friendly. To achieve this, we can work on the 5Rs, namely Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, Replace and Repair. Actions speak louder than words. I would walk my talk to perform the 5Rs in my daily life from now on as well as influence my peers to do the same. I believe you will make the same changes so as to protect the Earth, won't you?


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