

JPC Member of Yau Tsim District
Saugat Rai


Hello, my name is Saugat Rai. I am 17 years old, a Hong Kong-born Nepalese, a member of Yau Tsim JPC and Project Gemstones. I was first introduced to YTJPC Football Team by Ka Wai Sir.

During the first training, I was surprised that I was the only non-ethnic Chinese player. Being a goalkeeper, one of the most important roles in the football team, I felt spontaneously nervous in the beginning. Despite my poor performance in the first training, my teammates did not mind and encouraged me with a lovely smile, and then I realised the atmosphere in football court was cordial and friendly. My performance has beenimproved gradually since I determined to gain the trust of my teammates and be the goalkeeper in the starting lineup.

After a 90-minute exciting football match, our football team lost 3 - 0 in the debut, unfortunately. My teammates and I still enjoyed the game, reflected on the mistakes, and strived for the victory in the remaining games. After that, we were united and easily won the following two competitions. As we faced several stricter opponents in the coming matches, we also grew stronger as a team.

Even I do not speak Chinese fluently, my teammates are willing to teach me patiently. I am glad that we arrange dinners and social gatherings occasionally. I try to speak Cantonese, and they reply me in English. Such experience helps me to improve my speaking skill a lot. YTJPC Football Team, which has been established for a year, is the best sports team I have ever joined. It provides a friendly environment for new members, and I will keep participating in the team.


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