JPC Member of Kwun Tong District

Social distancing is vital for desisting the spread of Covid-19. Given that, Kwun Tong JPC conducted remote meetings by using Zoom, a video-conferencing software. We promptly adapted to this software for meeting under good coaching by the JPC officers.

Notwithstanding the plight of Covid-19, the opportunities were brought to us for learning new things. We could make use of the similar application to hold online meetings in the future in case of any uncertainty happened such as extreme weather. By using video-conferencing software, members who have time or space limitations could still participate in a conference. Kwun Tong JPC will continue to arrange regular meetings and provide services as much as possible by adopting innovative technologies.


 JPC Monthly Newsletter
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    No. 123 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, HK.
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  • 2828 7431
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  • 2200 4304

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