


JPC Member of TKO District
CHENG Man-chun

Hello everyone, my name is Jayden Cheng, I am nine years old. I like going to the zoo with my family on public holiday. I love different types of animal.

Today, I am going to tell you about my favourite animal.

My favourite animal is giraffe, the tallest land mammals in the world. They can be found in the vast grasslands of tropical and subtropical areas in Africa. They are ruminant hook-shaped hoofed animals and are the tallest animal on earth. They can run extremely fast, just like me running along the track on School Sports Day. Do you know why giraffe can run so fast? It is because they have long legs. They love eating leaves and branches. Their whole body are covered with brown irregular patterns, as cute as a cartoon character and helping them blend into the environment to escape from detection. The ears of the giraffes are always keep twitching even when they are sleeping, like a radar antenna to protect themselves.

I wish I can ride on a giraffe someday, because I really want to climb up to the highest part of its neck and take a breath of fresh air in the forest!


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