JPC Member of Central District
TANG Ho-long

On July 4, 2020, I participated in a very meaningful event organised by JPC of Central District, and supported by the St.James Settlement, which aimed to show our care towards the elderly in the community during the outbreak of COVID-19.

All JPC members of the district gathered at the Centre of St.James Settlement in Sheung Wan at around 8 am in the morning and joined a sharing session given by a social worker from the St.James Settlement. The social worker shared some tips on how to communicate with the elder people, as well as some practical techniques during the visit. Meanwhile, the host told us that the visit would include two sessions. The first session in the morning was to visit the elderly who live in Central area, and the second session was to distribute anti-epidemic materials and food to the elderly at the Centre of St.James Settlement in the afternoon.

The participants were divided into four groups. The elderlies were happy and felt the warmth of our visit and care. We chatted with them and shared with each other what we do in our spare times. The house was full of laughter. Many elderly mentioned that they preferred to stay at home during the outbreak of COVID-19, yet they felt bored as they could only listen to radio for entertainment. We also reminded them to stay alert to different types of scam. At the end of our visit, we gave them gift packages that contained face masks, hand sanitiser and food. I had taught them how to wear a face mask and how to clean their hands with sanitiser properly.

I hope the COVID-19 epidemic situation will be under control very soon, and everyone could stay positive, vigilant and healthy. I am looking forward to joining more volunteer works in the future so that I can support and care the people in need in our community.


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