The Force is dedicated to safeguarding national security. With the implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (NSL), 'National Security' has been incorporated into the Commissioner's Operational Priorities. The National Security Department (NSD) is the department of the Force for safeguarding national security, and is responsible for enforcing the NSL and assisting the Force in work related to safeguarding national security.
The NSD combats crimes endangering national security through partnership with other disciplined services, government departments and the stakeholders concerned. As of December 31, 2021, the NSD had arrested 162 people who allegedly engaged in acts and activities endangering national security since the NSL came into force on June 30, 2020.
To help members of the public to provide information or make reports on national security matters, the NSD operates the National Security Department Reporting Hotline, enabling people to report non-urgent matters to the Police via various platforms, including WeChat, SMS and email. From its launch on November 5, 2020, up to December 31, 2021, the hotline received more than 220,000 pieces of information, all of which were of great help to the work of safeguarding national security.
NSD Reporting Hotline
WeChat ID : NSD62717171
Message: 62717171
Safeguarding national security is the mission of each and every police officer. In addition to enforcing the NSL vigorously, the NSD also stepped up efforts actively on internal publicity and education, to enhance awareness and a sense of mission among police officers in safeguarding national security.
In conjunction with National Security Education Day on April 15, the NSD started maintaining the Police Force's National Security Book and Publication Corner (NS Corner) at the Force's Library on the 7th floor of the Police Headquarters to exhibit books on the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the Basic Law, the NSL and national security. In June, the NSD introduced the 'NS Knowledge' column in OffBeat to discuss national security topics in an easily understandable manner.
The Commissioner of Police, Mr Siu Chak-yee, and the Deputy Commissioner of Police (National Security), Ms Edwina Lau Chi-wai, accompanied the Chief Executive Mrs Carrie Lam, who chairs the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, to visit the Force's National Security Book and Publication Corner.
During the year, the NSD provided the NSmart Package to all formation commanders with the aim of reinforcing their understanding of national security and encouraging them to work in concert with one another to promote a sense of national security at different levels of the Force. The NSD also launched the NSmile photo-taking event to strengthen officers' sense of mission in safeguarding national security.
The NSmart Package contains a wealth of material on national security, including six recommended books, creative quiz cards and National Security Department's (NSD) souvenirs. There is also a USB drive with files on national security, such as the book list of the Force's NS Corner, national security display panels in electronic format and the e-version of 'NS Knowledge'.
The NSD launched an NSmile Photo Booth that invited officers to feature on the cover of a special edition of OffBeat under the theme, 'Together We Safeguard National Security'.