To tie in with the Government's policy on developing the Smart City Blueprint in Hong Kong, the Information Systems Wing is dedicated to a wider implementation of digital policing and the tackling of emerging challenges arising from the rapidly changing digital landscape. The objectives are to provide secure, reliable and effective information and communications technology services that support the Commissioner's Strategic Action Plan and Operational Priorities. The Service Quality Wing promotes integrity and professionalism, and facilitates continuous improvement and innovation throughout the Force.
To enhance service quality and efficiency, the Information Systems Wing spearheaded the introduction of 14 mobile applications and various innovative digital policing initiatives to streamline work processes, strengthen frontline digital enforcement capabilities and improve public services delivery on electronic platforms.
Buoyed by the success of the 'e-Ticketing Pilot Scheme' (e525) against illegal parking offences in 2020, the Force extended the scheme to moving offences (e570) in March 2021. Frontline officers make use of the e-Ticketing app installed on their smart devices to scan encrypted QR codes embedded in vehicle and driving licences, so they can check the information of those vehicles and drivers on the spot. The relevant information will then be automatically copied and printed on an electronic fixed penalty ticket. Through digitalisation, the scheme enhances the workflow and efficiency of traffic enforcement.
The Information Systems Wing and Operations Wing jointly developed the Beat App under the Fourth Generation of the Computer Assisted Command and Control System (CACCS4) and launched it in phases starting from May. This mobile app uses Optical Character Recognition technology and is also able to scan QR codes on identification documents, so officers can handily conduct checks on the records of any suspicious people, vehicles or vessels. The app has revolutionised conventional stop-and-search procedures, enhanced operational efficiency and safety, and minimised waiting time.
To provide more convenient public access to police services, a new Self-service Kiosk is being set up inside Police Reporting Rooms for the reporting of lost property. Members of the public will have the option of reporting a lost item using the kiosk instead of queuing up at the reporting counter. The kiosk improves public service quality as report room officers can focus on handling urgent cases and the overall waiting time inside a Police Reporting Room can be reduced.
A representative of the Innovation & Solution Lab introduced the Self-service Kiosk to the Independent Police Complaints Council.
The Innovation & Solution Lab (ISLAB) is building an intelligent platform for big data analytics to solve policing problems. In addition, the ISLAB is exploring the use of Radio Frequency Identification technology and other 5G network solutions inside police vehicles to help check operational gear before, during and at the end of police operations, in order to improve work efficiency, operational readiness and flexibility in deployment.
The Radio Frequency Identification technology sensor helps to check if a patrol car has the full set of equipment.
During the year, the Service Quality Wing continued work on the latest cycle of its strategic planning process, which would culminate in the promulgation of the Strategic Directions 2022-2024. To take into account sweeping changes to the operating environment experienced in recent years, the latest cycle incorporates a widened consultative process involving officers of all ranks and experts from outside the Force.
The Service Quality Wing promotes excellence in quality management and service delivery by incorporating the Force Quality Management Framework into operational and management practices. It conducts the Force Inspection Process (FIP), which is a key mechanism in driving continuous improvement and enhancing corporate governance by assessing the performance and efficacy of police formations and fostering compliance and accountability across the Force. The FIP adopts a dual-module approach comprising 'Compliance' and 'Self-Assessment'. The e-Smart Check, rebranded from the Compliance module, digitalises the inspection process and records to mitigate non-compliance risks and enhance corporate governance. It began a progressive roll-out among frontline units of the Force in 2021. The Self-Assessment module, designed in the format of question sets that assess areas and performance that cannot be covered by the e-Smart Check, is being revised and will be implemented in the near future.
Between June and July, the Service Quality Wing carried out the latest round of the Force's surveys, comprising the Public Opinion Survey, the Police Service Satisfaction Survey and the Staff Opinion Survey, to gather feedback from citizens and staff. The surveys showed that members of the public continued to feel safe during both daytime and night time, and have confidence in the Force. Staff members, meanwhile, were highly committed to the Force and would be willing to put in extra effort to help the Force remain successful. Staff satisfaction of the overall morale, internal communication and leadership of the Force also improved. The survey results are important indicators of striving for excellence in the pursuit of continuous service quality enhancement and will be considered in formulating the next round of Living-the-values Workshops.
The Complaints and Internal Investigations Branch comprises the Complaints Against Police Office (CAPO), the Internal Investigations Office (IIO) and the Integrity Audit Action Group (IAAG).
Under a statutory two-tier complaint system, the CAPO handles all complaints lodged by the public against Force members and collaborates fully with the Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC) in the discharge of its statutory functions, so as to enhance the Force's service quality. In view of the surge in public order events arose from the Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019 (FOO), the IPCC published a “Thematic Study Report on the Public Order Events arising from the Fugitive Offenders Bill since June 2019 and the Police Actions in Response” in May 2020 and made 52 recommendations regarding the Police's practices and procedures. In response, the CAPO set up a Special Duty Team to investigate all complaints related to the amendment bill and to follow up on the respective policy wings' progress in implementing the 52 recommendations.
In 2021, the CAPO received 1,416 reportable complaints, up 16.9% from 1,211 cases in 2020. The Force implements complaint prevention initiatives via the Force Committee on Complaints Prevention and various Regional Committees on Complaints Prevention. Through the CAPO 'Friendly Reminder', e-Newsletter and outreach programme, information is disseminated about complaint trends and analysis and areas for improvement, to enhance frontline officers' awareness of how to prevent complaints.
The Director of Management Services, Ms Rebecca Lam Hiu-tong (front row, second right), briefed members of the Independent Police Complaints Council on enhanced measures of the New Generation Report Room during a visit to Ngau Tau Kok Station arranged by the Complaints Against Police Office.
The Force Committee on Integrity Management (IM) formulates IM policy, gives directions on key IM issues, and monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of the Force Strategy on IM. This strategy has four prongs: education and culture building, governance and control, enforcement and deterrence, and reintegration and support.
The IIO helps to implement the Force Strategy on IM and seeks to inspire officers to live up to the Force's values of integrity and honesty. The key concept of 'honour, duty and loyalty' is ingrained in officers through training and awareness campaigns that foster a culture of integrity, honesty and professionalism. The P-TV 'I am a Cop' Short Film Competition was launched in 2021 to encourage officers to share the initial aspirations they had that motivated them to join the Force. It drew enthusiastic participation, demonstrating determination among members of the Force to persevere with unity and resilience in overcoming the challenges ahead.
The IIO emphasises the importance of supervisory accountability and timely intervention and promotes positive peer influence, so that those in need can receive appropriate assistance, advice or guidance in a timely manner.
The IAAG, established in 2020, is working to strengthen the Force's IM. It proactively investigates serious misconduct and illegal activities involving members of the Force, conducts timely identification and rectification of duty-related systemic risks, and enhances supervisory accountability.