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The Quality Management System of Operations and Services Support (OSS) Division of Communications Branch has passed ISO 9001:2015 certification recently. On behalf of OSS Division, Acting Chief Telecommunications Engineer Mr Man Kwok-fung received the certificate from Director of Corporate Business of Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency Ms Jorine Tam on May 9.

Ms Tam noted the OSS Division acquired ISO 9001 certification in 1996. Being the first unit in the Force to acquire the certification, the Division has kept on enhancing its management system to comply with new editions of ISO standards. Over the years, it has established a clear set of documented management and work procedures to meet the Force's operational needs. The certification shows that the service quality of OSS Division has met the expectations of the Force.

The ISO 9001:2015 edition emphasises the importance of risk management and relationship management. In this connection, the OSS Division has strengthened its risk management processes by identifying the internal and external issues, as well as the needs and expectations of the interested parties. This helps to minimise the impact of information and communications technology incidents to frontline officers, thereby increasing their satisfaction of the quality services of OSS Division.

Mr Man Kwok-fung (right) receives the ISO certificate from Ms Jorine Tam
Mr Man Kwok-fung (right) receives the ISO certificate from Ms Jorine Tam